• Trick or Treat on Trade gallery
Halloween Hoopla is the second Halloween event this week hosted in downtown Greer. Saturday’s event is at City Park.
• See gallery here, if you dare.
Trick or treat on Trade has come and gone.
It’s trick-or-treat on Trade Street and its connecting downtown streets Tuesday.
The annual candy fest, which appears to be doubling each year, officially begins at 5 – 8 p.m.
You can see streetscapes and businesses in downtown Greer more clearly now at night.
The City of Greer and Greer Commission of Public Works partnered on the just completed Greer Gateway Lighting Project replacing existing street lights with LEDs. The city purchased the lights and CPW installed the new fixtures.
Upstate movie director KT Terry will be shooting a faith-based film called "Unconditional Surrender" throughout the Upstate in 2017. The movie will tackle the PTSD struggle many veterans face upon returning home from combat.
"We lose 22 soldiers a day to suicide due to PTSD and you and I can be part of the solution." stated Terry. "Unconditional Surrender will focus on a soldier's return home to his family, and the battles he struggles with returning to a normal' life."
Seventeen bike racks have been delivered to the City of Greer as part of its long-term walking and bike trails master plan.
The racks are an investment from Partnership for Tomorrow, a think tank of Greer leaders who helps steer the city’s future development and quality of life.
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