Jim Fair
Danny, center, and Gerald Gambrell are read a proclamation by Mayor Rick Danner commending the Gambrells (David is missing from the picture) for their service as volunteer firefighters with the Greer Fire Department.
The Gambrells, collectively, have served as volunteer firefighters for 176 years.
Captain Danny Gambrell said he knew every fire chief while serving 40 years at the chartered fire department. Danny was wearing a patch designed to commemorate this year’s 100th anniversary of the Greer Fire Department at Tuesday’s City Council meeting where he and Gerald (David was absent) were read a proclamation by Mayor Rick Danner on their retiring from public service.
The numbers associated with the Gambrell’s volunteer fire fighting history are:
Ralph (their father), 30 years,
Steven, (Ralph’s brother), 25
Jack, (uncle), 25
Danny, 40
Gerald, 31
David, 25
Look for a story about the Gambrell’s firefighting history with the Greer Fire Department coming soon at GreerToday.com.