Colt Reid Hudson was born at 2:23 a.m. to become Greenville County’s first baby for 2018.

Madilyn Ray Flowers was the first New Year’s baby at Spartanburg Medical Center.
Colt weighed in at 8 pounds, 4 ounces at Greenville Health System’s Patewood Memorial Hospital. He was delivered by C-section by his uncle, obstetrician Dr. Mark Moore who was on call.
Colt’s mom, Kristen Gault, 30, and his dad, Chris Hudson, 31, were watching TV late Sunday waiting for 2018 to arrive when Kristen said it was time to go to the hospital.
Colt was born a month premature and was reported doing well in the hospital’s nursery.
Colt has a brother, Carter James, 12, and sister Kesley, 8.
Spartanburg's first 2018 baby
Madilyn Ray Flowers was the first New Year’s baby at Spartanburg Medical Center.
Born at 2:08 p.m., Monday weighing 8 pounds, 2 ounces and 21 ½ - inches long.
Parents Michelle and Travis Flowers, both 26, of Roebuck, and her brother Eli are excited she’s finally here.
“I was hoping for a Christmas baby but New Year’s is just as good,” said Travis.
Michelle, a stay-at-home mom, went into labor on New Year’s Eve around 6 p.m. and made her way to the hospital at 10 a.m., New Year’s Day. Both she and Madilyn are doing well and ready for the New Year.