2014 Miss South Carolina Lanie Hudson will emcee opening night of the Miss Greer High School pageant on Jan. 22 at 7 p.m.
Miss South Carolina Lanie Hudson will be the emcee for the 19th Annual Miss Greer High School Pageant on the first night of competition, Thursday, Jan. 22.
Fourteen candidates will compete for the title Jan. 22 and 24 with both nights’ competition beginning at 7 p.m. Admission is $7 each night.
Hudson, former Miss Greater Greer, is from Spartanburg and a graduate of Clemson University.
A $500 scholarship will be awarded the winner with competition in interview, casual wear, talent and evening gown.
The pageant is produced and benefits the Greer Band Booster Club and is directed by Debbie Brown.
Sara Ashleigh Ponder won last year’s pageant.
Contestants and their talent are:
Chevez Smith, dance
Brittany Stewart, tongue twister
Madison Bates, vocal
Lindsey Jarecki, dance
Syndi Thompson, vocal
Tara Hawkins, dance
Brittany Doss, vocal
Rebecca Marullo, vocal
Anna Roberson, dance
Laura Brown, vocal
Caroline Brown, dance
Lauren Jarecki, dance
Hope Cox, dance
Michaela Parker, vocal