Paddle boards are now prohibited on the lakes, joining rafts, hydroplanes, houseboats, jet skis, wave runners, tire tubes or windsurfing craft.
Paddle boards are now prohibited on the lakes, joining rafts, hydroplanes, houseboats, jet skis, wave runners, tire tubes or windsurfing craft. Any inflatable craft must be approved by the lake warden.
Apparently a paddle boarder used social media to promote his activity at Lake Robinson. With no swimming allowed it was reasoned, by the CPW Board of Commissioners, that paddle boarders, unless extremely athletic, would likely take some falls which meant they were now swimmers.
• A new amendment in the general rules and regulations reads: No sales or exchange of money of any kind are allowed at Lake Cunningham or Lake Robinson; either on the lake, shelters or in the parking lots.
No incident precipitated the new amendment. It’s to alert vendors no sales are allowed at the lakes and CPW staff and commissioners favored the amendment to having cash around the park from a safety issue.
The amendment takes effect Aug. 1. The lakes rules and regulations are online at
• An updated employee handbook was approved by commissioners. It included clarifying using social media for business purposes only under CPW’s policy and provided use of language and the utility’s censorship guidelines.