Several new displays have been added, including a custom-built, 45-foot Christmas tree light display that has 20,000 lights and is 25 feet in diameter at the bottom.
Visitors may also park their cars and stroll through Winter Wonderland. Santa will be there 6-9 p.m. nightly through Dec. 24 with a mailbox for letters to Santa and his elves, giant holiday cards created by local school art classes, a gift shop, and concessions.
On selected evenings, the mascots Cocky, the Tiger, Reedy Rip’It, and Rowdy will be in attendance. School choir groups will sing in the outside amphitheatre. There will also be Dog Nights on Dec. 2, 9 and 16 when visitors are invited to bring their dogs and walk through Winter Wonderland.
Admission per car, minivan or SUV is $10 on Monday through Thursday, and $15 on Friday through Sunday. The fee for an activity van is $25, and $50 for a bus. Multi-Pass tickets for cars, minivans, and SUVs are available for purchase at the gate for $25 and are good for three visits.
Proceeds from Holiday Lights are distributed to Rotary Charities for local distribution and the Roper Mountain Science Center Association.