The Greer Station Association and its vendors request the honor of your presence at their Bridal Show on Saturday from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. at Greer City Hall Events Hall.
Guests will attend interactive events – ceremony, cocktails and reception – with vendors showcasing their talents and services. A bride and groom will be featured with guests invited to follow them through the ceremony, cocktails and reception venues or visit the hall in any sequence. All staff will be dressed in formal attire.
Greer City Council enthusiastically approved two parcels of land for rezoning tonight to accommodate proposed apartment complexes. Skepticism quickly replaced the enthusiasm when it came time to approve first reading of the proposed 54 and 56 apartment units, respectively, specifically a 4-story complex planned across from Greer City Park.
The Cannon Street Elderly Apartments would be built on 1.6 acres owned by Greer Partners at 217 Cannon Street. The C-1 (Central Business District) property, was approved for DRD (Design Review District). A parcel of land owned by Brenda Medlock at 706 West Poinsett Street was approved to be rezoned to RM-2, residential multifamily, from its former C-2 and R-12.
The stage Aaron Tippin will perform on at the 2012 Village Hospital Greer Family Fest will be located at the picturesque circular drive entrance to City Hall.
"This location affords more people to see Aaron Tippin perform and we're anticipating the biggest crowd ever to attend the festival," Mark Owens, Greer Chamber of Commerce Events Coordinator, said.
Elliott Rutland was meticulously drawing a two-story structure she described as her home. She drew the windows and penciled in the doorknob. It was left to the imagination if it was Elliott’s symbolism recognizing her mother, Angela, was within days of becoming a stay-at-home mom.
Angela Rutland, the Commercial Development Director for the Greer Development Corporation (GDC), has decided to become a stay-at-home mom for Elliott, 5, and Emma, 8. A life event convinced Rutland and her husband, Vernon, she was making the right decision for her family.
Greer City Hall is preparing to receive fiber optic cable from Charter to speed up connections and provide a backup
Triple B Boring set a 680-foot path along School Street.
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