Greer City Council is charging ahead in its quest to create a bigger footprint in Greer Station’s event hosting business. The city’s march forward, without restraints in place, is also beginning to limit the public’s weekend access to the park.
Greer City Council Tuesday night gave unanimous approval (7-0) to a first reading for a new rate structure for its events facilities that include the McKown Center as a multi-purpose venue. The McKown Center, costing around $1 million, is undergoing its final punch list and is ahead of its planned mid-summer opening schedule.
Every heart survivor has a mental baseball card of facts and statistics.
They can tell you the date of their heart event, the hospital the procedure was done, how many stents or bypasses were performed, the percentage of the blockage of arteries, the length of their hospital stay and the days of their rehabilitation before they returned to work.
Thousands of residents came to Greer City Park this morning to participate in the Upstate Heart Walk. Health and food vendors were distributing information and food to emphasize a healthy lifestyle.
Many of the walkers were heart survivors and shared their stories with They will be published later this evening with photos.
Cardiovascular disease is the leading killer of Americans, affecting one in three people, according to the American Heart Association (AHA). And, the problem may be getting worse, as a new study from the AHA predicts that those who have heart disease are expected to increase to more than 40 percent of Americans by 2030.
This prediction doesn’t have to be reality.
Greer City Park will host the Upstate Heart Walk Saturday beginning at 8:30 a.m. with the 1 or 3-mile walk beginning at 10 a.m. The heart expo, entertainment and awards will take place before the walks.
The American Heart Association's event raises funds to save lives from the no. 1 and no. 3 killers - heart disease and stroke – in the United States. The walk is to promote physical activity and heart-healthy living.
A vigil was held at Greer City Park tonight in memory of Trayvon Martin, a youth killed Feb. 26 in Sanford, Fla. Martin was shot and killed by neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman.
Zimmerman ignored a 911 dispatcher's suggestion to stay in his car in order to chase down what he had called a suspicious black male. The case has sparked a national debate about racial profiling, allegations of police injustice, and self-defense gun laws.
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