The most dramatic and poignant part of Saturday’s Freedom Blast will be the annual Veterans Walk and salute to the men and women of the U.S. Armed Services.
Freedom Blast is scheduled 6 – 10:15 p.m. with Greer Idol and Swingin’ Medallions providing the entertainment, a pie eating contest, family-friendly activities, food vendors, and a fireworks display will end the festivities following the salute to the Armed Forces.
Freedom Fellowship Kids Ministry is hosting “Turn It Up”, a summer spectacular of fun, games and worship, at Greer City Park July 14- 18 from 6:15-8:15 p.m. for children ages 4 years to 5th grade.
Featured each night will be games, crafts, skits, storytelling, and music for children to sing and dance to.
Trending: Greenville-Spartanburg International Airport, Obituaries, Chon Restaurant, Allen Bennett Hospital