The Greer Idol finalists have been announced with 10 vying for the Greer Idol title and 12 for Greer Idol Teen.
Kieffer Mendoza won Greer Idol and Kody Young, making his public singing debut, won Greer Idol Teen last year. They earned $1,500 and $500, respectively. The contest was shortened to three weeks when rain wiped out two of the scheduled performances.
The Partnership for Tomorrow (PFT), a community initiative formed in 1998 for the future of Greer, is inviting participation from the greater Greer community as it works with design firm Kimley-Horn and Associates’ Charlotte office to develop a community master plan that will serve as a blueprint for Greer for the next two decades.
PFT has sponsored two five-year plans with significant results, and identifies the Greer Community Master Plan as the third installment. Engaging the community to be committed to the planning process and willing to help shape the outcomes is crucial, according to PFT officials.
A Law Enforcement Memorial Service and Blood Drive are scheduled Thursday and Friday, respectively, as part of National Police Week.
The community is invited to the memorial service Thursday at 11 a.m. at the Greer City Amphitheater. Rev. Keith Kelly, GPD chaplain and pastor of His Vineyard in Greer, will lead the service.
It was a festival-like atmosphere and turnout at the “Vintage Market at the Park” Saturday.
Warning: If you plan on attending the “Vintage Market at the Park” Saturday, plan your time wisely and drive a vehicle(s) that can handle a quantity of merchandise.
It’s the biggest market assembled in Greer – even bigger than the highly successful Vintage Market held last fall at City Park.
Greer’s Freedom Blast is the next big event for a community-wide celebration scheduled June 28 at Greer City Hall.
The 30th Annual Family Fest broke all attendance records previously set at last year’s Freedom Blast that reportedly had 12,000 – 15,000 visitors with the Swingin’ Medallions performing. The Greater Greer Chamber of Commerce organizes the Family Fest.
By Dana Jordan
Blessed and highly favored is what Scotty Hawkins of Greer said that he felt as he took the stage at Greer Family Fest with the Marshall Tucker Band Saturday night. “It’s amazing to feel all this love,” Hawkins said.
The Marshall Tucker Band entertained a record crowd at the 30th Annual Pelham Medical Center Greer Family Fest Saturday night.
The unofficial attendance was between 16,000-19,000 people. Last year's Freedom Blast at City Park drew between 12,000 - 15,000. Since the concerts are free there are no tickets to get a clear-cut count. However, some food vendors reported record sales on Saturday night and ran out of some inventory.
Partnership for Tomorrow (PFT) is celebrating the fulfillment of a 15-year commitment to the Greer community.
That commitment, made in 1998 by a group of business and civic leaders who were determined to turn conversation and vision into action, has become reality.
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