Jim Fair
The line at ACME General Store was a result of the Greater Greer Chamber of Commerce taking part in a "cash mob" at 12:45 today.

Jim Fair
City Administrator bought candy at today's "cash mob" at ACME. Driggers said it was for his office staff.

Jim Fair
Adell Langford was shopping for a pair of sunglasses and took advantage of the "cash mob" promotion by the Greater Greer Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors.

Jim Fair
Ansley Welchel has a knack for picking the most exciting times to visit ACME. Ansley was shopping with her son, Jameson, today. She was also at ACME when Gov. Rick Perry was campaigning in Greer.
ACME General Store was mobbed today.
The Greater Greer Chamber of Commerce hosted its inaugural “cash mob” at ACME.
The cash mob, inspired by the flash mob Internet sensation, involves the organization of a group of people attending a small business and making purchases to support its success and growth.
The Chamber board of directors cut today’s meeting short 15 minutes to “mob” Denise VanderBerghe and her staff. The chamber board was encouraged to purchase items during its visit.
Mark Owens, vice president of the chamber, bought a pair of burlap sandals. He later purchased Chamber President Allen Smith’s bottle of wine when Smith said he left his wallet at the office. Rudy Painter, John Mansure and Larry Wilson bought small baskets with a variety of candy. They said it was for their office staffs.
Ansley Welchel was shopping with her son, Jameson, when the mob arrived. “I had no idea what was going on but I knew something not regular was happening,” Welchel, who owns Dovetale PR, said.
The benefits of the cash mob resonated with the board members. “The cash mob shows the Greer idea of ‘We’re all in this together’ and that we support each other,” said Dean Hybl, a Chamber member.
The cash mob is a partner of the chamber’s “Keep the Green in Greer”.
“This was a great success for the first one. We had over fifty people here and it was a great success to Denise and the General Store,” said Mark Owens, Vice President of the Chamber.
“This flash mob was great because it is good for everybody. It shows we can have fun and hopefully it reflects back on downtown Greer as an appealing place,” said VandenBerghe.
The impact of the cash mob are the new customers that it creates. “I’ve never been at the ACME General Store before, but I will definitely by back with my kids,” Hybl said.