Jim Fair
'I miss almost everything from those years, maybe not the TVs.'
Helen Claire Robinson Bagwell
Class of '56

Jim Fair
'With all the modern conveniences, we don’t have time to do anything.'
Janet Jones Morrow
Class of '56
“I miss almost everything from those years, maybe not the TVs,” said Helen Claire Robinson Bagwell. She and Janet Jones Morrow, both class of ’56, were chatting during the hot dog lunch offered by Greer High School alum Don Wall, class of ’61.
Wall, former Greer Mayor and owner of three independent pharmacies, including McLeskey-Todd Pharmacy where Saturday’s event was held, was as much a thank you to his Greer-based customers and their support. McLeskey-Todd is also celebrating its 90th anniversary.
“I wish we had it all back,” Bagwell said when asked what she missed most.
“Back then we met people. We would meet at Louis’ Drive-In. We miss our little ole’ town. I worked at the Leader,” Jones said.
Bagwell said the simplest of things like, “good home-made biscuits” are as much history as are the black and white photos shared among the classmates.
“Food was fresh and everybody had fresh vegetables,” Morrow said. “People don’t have camaraderie anymore. With all the modern conveniences, we don’t have time to do anything.”
Bagwell remembered when children played. “My mother would push us out the door to play and we would come back when the lights came on.”