
Arrowood bids farewell as 30-year volunteer fireman

City Council honors him with Proclamation

By Jim Fair, Editor
Published on Wednesday, May 29, 2013

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Jay Arrowood, a 30-year volunteer member of the Greer Fire Department, listens to Mayor Rick Danner reading a proclamation honoring Arrowood.

Jim Fair

Jay Arrowood, a 30-year volunteer member of the Greer Fire Department, listens to Mayor Rick Danner reading a proclamation honoring Arrowood.

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Jay Arrowood's family attended City Council's Tuesday meeting to see the 30-year volunteer fireman honored for his service. Left to right: Bruce and Pat (father and mother), AJ and Jake (sons) and Lisa (wife).

Jim Fair

Jay Arrowood's family attended City Council's Tuesday meeting to see the 30-year volunteer fireman honored for his service. Left to right: Bruce and Pat (father and mother), AJ and Jake (sons) and Lisa (wife).

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Greer Fire Department ‘s badge number 87 is 10-7 (out of service).

And with that said Jay Arrowood, a 30-year volunteer fireman with the City of Greer Fire Department, retired after a storied career spanning three fire chiefs.

“When you look at 30 years you wonder in the beginning how you make it to 30 years. Then when it comes you wonder where the time went,” Arrowood said.

A fatal house fire four years ago was the defining moment when Arrowood said he first thought about retiring. The windows were higher, the fire was harder to put out and the equipment was heavier, Arrowood said. “Everything seemed to make that fire more difficult than any other,” he said.

Greer City Council recognized one of its own with Mayor Rick Danner reading a proclamation honoring Arrowood's firefighting career that began and ended on April 13, 30 years apart. Arrowood represents District 1 on City Council.

“Public service is a calling,” Danner said “A volunteer, in my mind makes it more special.”

Arrowood served as a lieutenant for more than 15 years and was construction facilitator for the city’s training center in 2000. He served fire chiefs – Mack Bailey, Heyward Brissey and the current Chris Harvey.

“Chief Harvey is an inspiration to what is going on in the Greer Fire Department,” Arrowood said. “He has been my mentor since the day I got there.”

Arrowood began his volunteer service while attending Clemson University and would frequently leave job sites to respond to emergency calls, according to the proclamation.

Arrowood’s family, fire department personnel and friends came to the council meeting to support one of their own.

“In 30 years a lot have changed. One thing that has not changed is the Greer Fire Department absolutely can handle any call that arises,” Arrowood said. “We can handle anything thrown our way.”

Arrowood was given a standing ovation.


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