Jim Fair
Julie Linderman stands in front of the safe that has been part of the historic B.A. Bennett Insurance building.

Jim Fair
Julie Linderman shows a picture of a 1941 Chevy Southern pumper truck purchased new by the city. Allen Cullun, grandson of B.A. Bennett, who later bought the truck, gave it back to the city to be refurbished for the fire department’s 100th anniversary in 2014.

Jim Fair
Photos are displayed under a glass on a desk of customers of the B.A. Bennett Insurance Agency. Many are from children of original customers who are now grown with families of their own.

Jim Fair
Storefront of the historic building that houses the B.A. Bennett Insurance Agency at the point of Trade and Poinsett Streets.
Julie Linderman, Vice President of B.A. Bennett, Inc., proudly showed a large desk covered with pictures of families that have grown up in Greer and have entrusted the B.A. Bennett family and workers with their insurance needs that span two centuries.
“Look at this one, he was little back then (in a youth league football uniform) and now he’s got children of his own and is still doing business with us,” Linderman said.
She proudly shows a picture of a 1941 Chevy Southern pumper truck purchased new by the city with children sitting front to back. Allen Cullun, grandson of B.A. Bennett, later bought the truck for recreational use at his home in Texas. Cullun has since given the truck back to the city to be refurbished for the fire department’s 100th anniversary in 2014.
Mayor Rick Danner recognized B.A. Bennett, Inc. with one of two Mayor’s Awards at the Small Business of the Year dinner at the Cannon Centre Thursday night. McLeskey-Todd Pharmacy also received a proclamation celebrating its 90 years caring for Greer citizens.
“We are very honored to win this award. We always try to support the Greer community and one of the main reasons for our success is the citizens of Greer. We are very grateful and honored,” said Linderman. Jack Allen is the company’s president.
Linderman often provides guided tours at the business, located in the triangle tip at Poinsett and Trade streets. It is on the national historical register.
“We still have grandchildren of Mr. Bennett who are stockholders,” Linderman said. “We still run the business the way Mr. Bennett did years ago. What Mr. Bennett’s vision was 90 years ago was to support the community and customer service.”
Linderman said hearing Danner read the proclamation made her proud. “Mr. Bennett was interested in the community and that’s why he started the agency,” Linderman said.
The proclamation paid tribute to B.A. Bennett’s investment in Greer before he founded the agency in 1923. He was president of the Bank of Greer and Citizens Building Loan Association. Danner noted Bennett’s recognition of the Greer community’s need to carry insurance for their mortgages, thus starting the agency.
Allen Bennett Hospital was named for B.A. Bennett’s son, who was killed in a plane crash in World War II.