Jerry Balding
Seeking: Greer Commissioner of Public Works
Elections: July 24
Platform: Experience Counts
Employment: Retired general manager at CPW, 20 years.
Website: www.jerrybalding.com
Upcoming appearances
March 27, Greer Rotary Club, at Southern Thymes, 7:15 p.m.
April 3, Lions Club, Lake View Steak House, 6:30 p.m.
Balding and candidates for the municipal election must file at City Hall beginning March 21 through April 20. The city of Greer postponed the 2010 general election to allow city council to redraw the boundaries of the districts to reflect changes in the population based on the 2010 census.
The Mayor, council members from districts 1, 3 and 5 and a commissioner of public works will be contested in the unprecedented mid-summer election. The incumbents are Mayor Rick Danner and council members Jay Arrowood (District 1), Kimberly Bookert (District 3) and Wryley Bettis (District 5). Perry Williams, commissioner for CPW, has his position up for re-election.
Balding spent 20 of his 36 years of municipal utility service as general manager at Greer CPW. "As commissioner I will fight for the best interests of our customers. CPW is Greer's most prized possession," Balding said. He retired as general manager in 2009. He was director of utilities at Seneca Light and Water for 14 years before joining Greer CPW.
“I am running to provide the oversight, insight and foresight that our public utility service will need in the years ahead to ensure the customers of Greer CPW have cost effective utility rates, excellent customer service and utility reliability to meet our future demands," Balding said in his media announcement. "High energy costs can be devastating to seniors on fixed income, families with limited resources, individuals and businesses. The next six years will be very important as long term decisions will need to be made.”
Balding's tenure at CPW coincided with BMW Manufacturing Co., making Greer its home for all United States manufacturing. Balding said CPW constructed more than 600 miles of gas distribution lines and added nearly 17,000 new gas customers during his leadership.
Greer underwent unprecedented growth during the late 1990s through 2006 with utility infrastructure built to service the residential and industrial boom ignited by BMW and its suppliers. CPW sold municipal bonds, acquired federal and state grants and invested over $125 million in the rebuilding and expansion of its water, sewer, electrical and gas distribution.
During Balding's service at CPW all offices were combined at its present location and a company-wide safety program was developed and recognized nationally for commitment to community and employee safety.
His career of municipal utilities experience in all operations is his benchmark. He began as a lineman with Duke Energy. Balding also promotes economic development and job growth, maintaining cost efficiency, customer service and ensuring equal rates and services.
Balding and his wife, Margaret, have three children, Tambra, Jerry Jr., and Susan Marie. Tambra is Balding's campaign manager and Tony Tipton is campaign advisor.