Jim Fair
As Bella Young, 3, installs the wood-paneled sections in the Greer High School weight room, there is a common theme in the photos. Can you tell what it is?

Jim Fair
Tom Center, who donated the wood panels and equipment, cuts the wood into exact sizes so it fits like a puzzle.

Jim Fair
Bella has the perfect piece to complete another row of paneled sections.

Jim Fair
There comes a point in time where even the most valuable worker needs to take a break.
Bella, 3, was at the Greer High School weight room late Saturday afternoon while her father, head football coach Will Young, visited player’s parents and a few players who were installing wood panel flooring with the Yellow Jackets decal in front of weight stations.
Todd Center, Greer Booster Club President, donated the paneled wood from his Carpet One Floor & Home Business. Center manned the saw and other equipment that helped in the installation.
Bella was Center’s right hand person. He would cut the wood, hand it to Bella and she would bring it in to be fitted into position – or at times fit it herself. “Bella and I came up with a numbering system,” Center said as Bella came back with three boards numbered 1-2-3 that needed to be placed.
Young said the stations in front of the weights will allow more athletes to work out at the same time cutting down the time workouts will take. “It also opens up the middle and allows the use for the medicine ball and agility drills.”
Alex Waters, Garrick Poole and Bryson Payne, ironically all offensive linemen, were there to help. “Coach just said they could use some help and that’s why I’m here,” Waters said. Parents Joe Poole and Tony Tipton were also at the gym.
Last year Greer was the beneficiary of steel storage and squat racks that had to be cut down to fit inside the weight room, welded back together and bolted to the floor.
When the athletes enjoy all the hard work everybody put into this project -- they will have to stoop a litte to give Bella a much-deserved high five for a job well done.