Three Bob Jones University Cinema graduates recently received awards in the 2014-15 Intercollegiate National Religious Broadcasters (iNRB) Student Production Awards Competition, the second year BJU students have entered projects in the iNRB competition and the second year they have won at least one award.
Marc Pagliuca of Greer tied for first place in the short film contest with his project titled "The Unspeakable." Justin Kelley of Greenville won second place in the documentary category with "Rupert." Stephen Pettit of Henrico, Va., placed third in the documentary category with "Johnathan's Very Own." All three students graduated from BJU in 2014 and entered their senior capstone project into the competition.
Each student wrote and directed his own film, the culmination of four years of work in the cinema department, with guidance from BJU's cinema faculty. Student film projects are judged on a variety of criteria including artistry, originality, production techniques and how the project furthers a Judeo-Christian purpose or goal.