Dear Dave,
What do you think about the HARP program, and what exactly is it?
Dear Ivy,
The Home Affordable Refinance Program is designed for people who have made their payments on time but are underwater on their mortgages. Being “underwater” means they owe more on their homes than the homes are worth. So basically it gives them the opportunity to refinance their home loans.
The HARP program is the only part of the Making Home Affordable program that actually worked. And to be honest, it has worked well.
In contrast, the recent Home Loan Modification program is a piece of junk and all about political posturing. About 93 percent of the people who applied for a home loan modification didn’t get one. It was just another case of the government pretending to do something.
I’d advise looking into the HARP program if you’ve got a good credit history and you’re underwater on your current home.
Lots of HARP program applications are being approved, and the deals are closing. That’s what really matters when you find yourself in a situation like this.