Dottie and Wayne Morrow tended to their garden and watered it Saturday morning at the Community Garden. The land for the garden has been donated by Greer Memorial Hospital.

Dottie and Wayne Morrow were among the core group of planters two weeks ago. They removed debris from their plot and began planting their garden. Dottie said half of the food they harvest will be donated to the Soup Kitchen.

A yellow plastic bird stands watch to surprise unwanted animals and encourage them to settle somewhere else.

Haystraw is used to protect the seeds and plants from drying out. This plot is bordered by wooden sticks.
The Morrows took advantage of the sunny, warm weather today to check on the soil that had been deluged by rain on Thursday night. One week earlier heavy rains during the weekend prevented the gardeners to get in some preparation and planting.
Greer Commission of Public Works provides water where gardeners are asked to fill buckets and walk the small pathways to their plots. Dotti dips a cup into the bucket of water carried by Wayne and pours it on the plants and seeds planted.
The community garden has 54 plots, 10-by-16 feet each.