Greer has arguably the lowest price of gas in the United States.
The gas price comparison shows the lowest price at $2.64 a gallon of unleaded fuel at Murphy USA at 14065 E. Wade Hampton Blvd. and Marathon at 1904 Gap Creek Road.
The next set of prices, $2.65 for a gallon of unleaded fuel, is available at 7-Eleven, QuikTrip, Marathon and Hot Spot.
The average price of a gallon of unleaded gas in South Carolina Monday was $2.78 compared to Georgia’s $2.92 and North Carolina’s $2.96, according to AAA prices
The national average price on Monday was $3.04. That’s six cents less than a week ago and a whopping 39 cents less than a month ago. The average price on Oct. 27 in 2013 was $3.29.