
Greer Memorial recognized for setting national standard in healthcare

By Jim Fair, Editor
Published on Wednesday, March 11, 2015

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John Mansure has been president of Greer Memorial Hospital for almost seven years, overseeing the move from Allen Bennett Hospital to the new campus as part of the Greenville Hospital System on Buncombe Road.

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John Mansure has been president of Greer Memorial Hospital for almost seven years, overseeing the move from Allen Bennett Hospital to the new campus as part of the Greenville Hospital System on Buncombe Road.


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Greer Memorial Hospital is one of 17 hospitals in the nation receiving the prestigious 2015 Everest Award for simultaneously setting the national benchmark for both balanced excellence in a single year as well as for greatest improvement over five consecutive years.

Jim Fair

Greer Memorial Hospital is one of 17 hospitals in the nation receiving the prestigious 2015 Everest Award for simultaneously setting the national benchmark for both balanced excellence in a single year as well as for greatest improvement over five consecutive years.

John Mansure envisioned Greer Memorial Hospital as one of the best community hospitals in the United States.

Nearly seven years after the closing of Allen Bennett Hospital on Wade Hampton Boulevard, and its transition into the new and state-of-the-art Greer Memorial on Buncombe Road, Mansure proudly commends his staff in sharing and reaching a goal that only honors 100 of the best-of-the-best hospitals in the country.

Greer Memorial Hospital is one of 17 hospitals in the nation receiving the prestigious 2015 Everest Award for simultaneously setting the national benchmark for both balanced excellence in a single year as well as for greatest improvement over five consecutive years.

Greer Memorial Hospital is one of six hospitals joining the top 20 of best small community hospitals (25-99 acute care beds). “Both of these came completely unsolicited and are just a result of what we’ve been doing,” Mansure said.

“I had a goal, a belief back when we moved here, knowing the people we had employed here, and the way they take care of patients and knowing now the kind of environment we had, that we had become one of the best small community hospitals in the country. I had that belief and here we are,” Mansure said.

Truven Health conducted the quantitative study, evaluating about 3,000 short-term, acute-care and non-federal hospitals, across 11 analytic measures including patient care, operational efficiency and financial stability. Risk-adjusted methodologies were used to analyze public information – Medicare cost reports, Medicare Provider Analysis and Review data and core measures and patient satisfaction data from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Hospital Compare reports.

“This year’s 100 Top Hospitals represent the highest national standards in hospital care and management today,” Jean Chenoweh, senior vice president at Truven Health Analytics, stated. “They set the benchmarks for peers around the country to follow – consistently delivering outstanding quality of care, satisfaction and community value at a reasonable cost.”

Mansure said a simple phone call alerted him to the hospital’s awards. “What the nurses, and respiratory therapists, the housekeepers and the plan ops guys and everybody else does is provide the best hospital patient care that we can provide. You do that and the rest of it comes to you.”

Truven’s study suggests if all hospitals in the U.S. performed at the level of this year’s winners:

• 126,471 additional lives could be saved

• 108,926 additional patients could be complication-free

• $1.8 billion in inpatient costs could be saved

• The average patient stay would decrease by half a day

• Episode-of-illness expense would be two percent lower than the peer average.

The recognition, said Mansure, is a testament to the care available in Greer. “It speaks well of your hospital. I think it says that you can get really good, quality care right here in our community, right here at home, because everybody here in this organization cares about patient satisfaction and quality service.

“And from a community standpoint, it says we’re one of the top (100) hospitals in the country right here in Greer, South Carolina.”

Consumer Reports also ranked Greer Memorial Hospital No. 9 nationally in its February edition for safety and respect.

• St. Francis downtown in Greenville and Roper St. Francis in Charleston were rated in the top 20 large community hospitals in the study.





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