
IN FOCUS: Lattimore injury is a cruel reality

By John Clayton, Staff Reporter
Published on Saturday, October 27, 2012

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Marcus Lattimore was transported to a Columbia Hospial today after suffering a severe knee injury in a game with Tennessee.

Marcus Lattimore was transported to a Columbia Hospial today after suffering a severe knee injury in a game with Tennessee.

Since the days of leather helmets and noses being used as facemasks, football has been a violent game.

But on some days it can be exceptionally cruel. Saturday was one of those days.

Marcus Lattimore went down for the second time in a year with a horrific knee injury.

I caught the play at real speed out of the corner of my eye as I half-paid attention to South Carolina’s game against Tennessee Saturday afternoon, but I’ve seen enough of those plays to know immediately that the injury was bad.

It was the unnatural angle of the injured right leg as Lattimore fell to the ground.

My heart sank.

Just a few weeks ago, I was at South Carolina’s media day, talking with Lattimore about his return to the team after suffering an injury to his left knee last year at Mississippi State.

He was as strong as ever, he said.

He had learned to appreciate the game, his teammates, everything more, he said.

And he meant it.

Everyone who knows Lattimore well and even those of us who have known him in passing or professionally since his high school days at Byrnes have quietly pulled for him in the press box because he used to be a good kid who has grown in to an outstanding young man.

Even area Clemson fans who would like to see Williams-Brice fall into a sinkhole hope Lattimore does well for 10 weeks out of the year, even if they don’t wish such success on the rest of the Gamecocks.

As he lay on the turf Saturday, his teammates and his opponents gathered around him in an awesome and unusual show of support.

He has done everything the right way on and off the field and that has earned him the respect of everyone he has touched.

And he just didn’t deserve what happened to him on Saturday. He doesn’t deserve for the fate of a once certain rich NFL future to hang on two rebuilt knees.

Some days are so much more cruel than we could ever suspect.


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