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Kelly Hildebrandt of Greer has been awarded Furman University Undergraduate Evening Studies’ first post baccalaureate Certificate in Accounting.
The certificate is a new Furman credential, which represents at least 18 credits of undergraduate accounting coursework offered through UES, a division of continuing education at the university.
The certificate program is most relevant to those transitioning into accounting from other fields, or to those seeking course requirements for CPA or CMA licensure. Admission into the program requires prior completion of a bachelor’s degree and fulfillment of additional specific academic standards.
Hildebrandt began coursework at Furman in 2011, taking prerequisites to qualify for admission into the certificate program. Like many adult students who return to college, she was able to take only a few classes at a time. Hildebrandt will move to Germany in June to begin a career in international accounting while also pursuing a doctoral degree.
“Certificates are credentials that demonstrate to employers, graduate schools, and professional organizations a level of preparation required for a specialized career track,” said UES Director Beth Crews. “Certificates are increasingly relevant in the realm of workforce education, lifelong learning and talent development. Non-traditional students particularly like the shorter, more manageable format of certificate programs.”