Jim Fair
Orange barrels mark Locust Hill Road as construction nears for relocating Mountain View Road into a 90-degree intersection at Locust Hill Road.
Jim Fair
Resurfacing is causing brief delays on Highway 101.
That has nothing to do with the estimated $2.8 million cost of relocating Mountain View Road into a 90-degree intersection at Locust Hill Road. But that construction is set to begin within two months.
The bid for the project has been let and should be awarded this month, according to Tommy Elrod of the South Carolina Department of Transportation. “We will award the contract later this month, have a pre-construction conference in August and signage will go up before construction begins possibly in September,” Elrod said.
Barrels are already lined along the roads. “I suspect a lot of orange barrels indicate utilities are doing advance work,” Elrod said.
Construction is scheduled for completion in winter 2016 or early 2017.
“The intersection will be conventional with turn lanes and traffic signals,” Elrod said.
School begins Aug. 18 and traffic near the construction isn’t expected to be affected during the school year. “We don’t think the traffic will be drastically different than what it’s been in the past,” Elrod said. “We may have to have some temporary lanes.”
No night work is scheduled during construction of the intersection. “I don’t anticipate any night time work until we begin paving and then we will consider that at night,” Elrod said.