
Nearly $700,000 in Block grant, HOME funds distribution OK'd by council

By Jim Fair, Editor
Published on Wednesday, March 25, 2015

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Greer City Councilman Wayne Griffin (District 2) argued successfully for an additional $2,000 funding for the Needmore Summer Camp Tuesday night.

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Greer City Councilman Wayne Griffin (District 2) argued successfully for an additional $2,000 funding for the Needmore Summer Camp Tuesday night.


Greer City Council agreed Tuesday night on the distribution of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnership Program funds for 2015, a total of $677,522, from its participation in the Greenville County Urban County Program.

Home funds ($263,905) are used for new home construction and owner-occupied rehabilitation activities for eligible low and moderate income applicants in the City of Greer.

CDBG funds, $413,617, may only be used to assist low and moderate income persons, reduce or eliminate slum and community blight or meet an urgent community need where no other funding is available. 






County allocation




$ 83,905

Program income










 CDGB funds will be used for the following activities:

 • $248,617 for infrastructure improvements and public works

 • $25,000, planning activities in Needmore Community

 • $50,000 for acquisition of properties for redevelopment of affordable housing units

 • $30,000 for emergency home repairs

 • $40,000 for public services/special projects

 • $20,000 for expenses associated with demolition of slums and blighted property in the city

Motion to approve the resolution was made by Wryley Bettis (District 5) and seconded by Jay Arrowood (District 1) with the following amendment: Remove $1,000 in sub-recipient funding to both Greer Relief and Resources Agency and Greer Community Ministries to increase sub-recipient funding to the Needmore Summer Camp by $2,000.

Councilman Wayne Griffin (District 2) argued successfully for the additional funding for the summer camp.

Subrecipient applications, reviewed and recommended by the Greenville County Redevelopment Authority, approved funding and explanation of costs:

• Needmore Summer Camp, $7,000, operational costs of the program, supplies and activities.

• Cannon Senior Center Program, $3,000, computer services, programs for seniors.

• Creative Advancement Centers, $8,000, personnel and operational cost.

• Greer Community Ministries, $14,000, purchase of food for mobile meals, senior dining and food pantry programs.

• Greer Relief and Resources Agency, $6,000, client mortgage/rent payments and client utilities.

• Brushy Creek First Assembly of God – Helping Hands Ministry, $2,000, gifts in kind and food program.





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