Officers installed seated left to right: Stephanie A. Saporita, Certified PLS, Immediate Past President (Lowcountry Chapter); Lois J. Belle, Certified PLS, President (Greenville Chapter); Jan W. Berger, ALS, President-Elect (Midlands Chapter).
Standing left to right: Carlene B. Kilgore, Certified PLS, Functional Director of Education (Hilton Head Chapter); Robin C. Deming, Certified PLS, Functional Director of Certification (Spartanburg Chapter); Meredith Lazarski ACP, Functional Director of Membership (Hilton Head Chapter); Tara Jean Brown, Certified PLS/PP, Secretary (Greenville Chapter); Camilla G. Pitman, CMC, Certified PLS, Functional Director of Marketing (Greenville Chapter); and Jimi L. Bullard, ALS, Treasurer (Greenville Chapter).
The LSPSC installed its 2013-2014 Executive Officers and Board of Directors at the meeting.
LSPSC, a state chapter for the National Association for Legal Professionals, headquartered in Tulsa, Okla., is dedicated to enhancing the competencies and contributions of members in the legal services profession.