Inducted were:
Brian Forrester, President/Chair Club Service
Robin Johnson, Secretary/Chair International Service
Tammy Rhoades, Treasurer
Ken Tucker, Sergeant-At-Arms/Club Administration
Wanda Moore, Chair, Public Relations/Media
District Governor Tom Faulkner, member of the Greer club, was guest speaker and presided over the installation of the officers and committee chairs. Assistant District Governor Doug Finney and spouses of club members were guests.
Rotary International theme for 2014-2015 is “Light Up Rotary.”
The club meets on Tuesday mornings at 7:15 a.m. at the Stomping Grounds, 208 Trade Street in downtown Greer. There is no morning meeting on the third Tuesday. Instead a 6 o’clock evening meeting is held at different local restaurants. Guests are invited to visit any time. Email, twitter.@greatergreerrot or call 864-630-3988.