
Saving money in the new year starts at the grocery store

Published on Friday, December 27, 2013

An overly ambitious New Year’s resolution probably won’t stick. This year, ditch the desire for all-at-once dramatic transformation. Instead, consider simple, sustainable changes to your everyday routine that can make a big impact over time.

For example, if you wish to get smarter about personal finances, start by cutting back on grocery expenses, which is the third largest expense, according to U.S. government statistics. It’s a way to save thousands annually.

“Saving money at the grocery store can seem tedious. But smart strategies can eliminate time-consuming coupon clipping and save you big at the store,” said Erin Chase, the "$5 Dinner Mom," author, blogger and frugal living expert.

To help kick off the year right, Chase is offering hassle-free tips for cutting expenses:

Compare prices

You can save up to 70 percent on groceries by comparing prices across stores, which adds up to hundreds, even thousands of dollars annually. But manual comparison shopping can be tricky and involve running all over town.

Let technology do the work for you. Over half of all consumers currently use technology to grocery shop. Get on board the trend to save money and time.

For example, with a new app called Favado, you can view sale prices from multiple stores to locate the best deals. With just a few clicks from your computer or smart phone, you can enjoy the satisfaction of having paid the lowest price possible. You can also use the app to create and share shopping lists. For more information or to download the app, visit www.Favado.com.

Loyalty programs

For additional savings, sign up for loyalty or club cards. Items on sale with loyalty cards change periodically, so stock up on things you buy regularly when prices are low. Make tracking sales easier with an app like Cardstar that stores all your loyalty, rewards and membership cards in one place. This can help you rid your wallet and keychain of all those loyalty cards from multiple stores.

Follow the cycles

Most groceries you purchase regularly will eventually go on sale. In fact, most items go on sale every eight to 12 weeks. The key is to buy as much of the item as you need while it’s on sale to last you until the next cycle. 

Buy in-season

In-season fruits and vegetables tend to be more affordable. Find out what is in season in your local area and purchase accordingly. A new app called Seasons can tell you what's in season locally. With 214 entries that include an image, description and seasonal stats, users can easily decide what to buy.

Buy one, get one

Many grocers offer buy-one, get-one free sales. This is a great way to save without clipping coupons. You can easily uncover these sales on a shopping app like Favado.

Don’t waste money paying more for groceries than necessary. With a little planning, you can score great deals on the things your family needs and wants.






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