Jim Fair
Annabelle Williams warms up during a Zumba session before participating in the iMove 5k Walk/Run at Riverside High School.
Jim Fair
The warmup proved to be as energetic as the exercise gained during the event for these girls.
Jim Fair
The starting line is crowded as Amanda Bishop, Miss Wade Hampton, far left, holds the ribbon just before tthe run began.
Jim Fair
They're off to the races. The runners were in a hurry to make some distance between the faster and slower runners.
Amanda Bishop, Miss Wade Hampton, joined the participants in the morning activities. Bishop is a graduate of RMS and Riverside High School. She is a junior at the University of South Carolina. Bishop will compete in the Miss South Carolina pageant in July in Columbia at Townsend Auditorium.
Proceeds and canned donations benefitted Harvest Hope Food and Riverside Middle School.