Washington Center student Britney Herbert delivers a hot meal as a volunteer for Meals on Wheels Greenville.
Washington Center was thrilled to a special concert by singer/songwriter Jenn Bostic. Students from Ms. Garbe’s and Ms. Timms’ classes are pictured accompanying the award-winning performer on stage during their favorite song.
Washington Center teacher Sharon Russo displays the results of her class science project with students (left to right) Iver Solis, Jason Moo and Mya Ballenger.
Song writer and singer entertains students and staff
Internationally known song writer and singer, Jenn Bostic, recently returned for an encore concert to entertain the students and staff at Washington Center. Bostic has been touched by the Washington Center students and staff who find inspiration and joy in her music. Bostic shared her love for music and special needs individuals as the students participated by playing instruments, moving, clapping and singing. Special stars made by each student were waved during the "Superstar" song. A group of dedicated fans accompanied their favorite song on stage as back-up singers. The classes prepared for the event by studying the artist and her work during Music Class with teacher Julie Dail. Bostic has won the five top awards for Independent Country Music Awards (including Overall Winner), reached No. 1 on the UK singer-songwriter charts, and performs frequently at the Grand Ole Opry.
Washington Center students focus on science
Washington Center focused on Science for the month of November, using the Unique Curriculum. The classes made Science Fair projects using the Scientific Method. Sharon Russo's class focused on Sink or Float. The class asked the question, "Do candy bars sink or float?" They experimented with six types of candy bars. The children made their own predictions using eye gaze through symbols. The results were the Kit Kat and 3 Musketeer bars did float while the others sank.