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A check presentation, for the online auction, was made to Greer Community Ministries for $8,347. Left to right are Cindy Simpler, Executive Director of GCM, Patsy Robertson and Dan Murph of WHAM.
"Preliminary figures put us at or over $55,000 for the event," Krista Gibson of GCM, said. Last week’s 36th annual event held at Fairview Baptist Church helps feed the hungry and vulnerable citizens of Greer.
"(The $55,000 total) is without the proceeds from the Greer Lions Club hotdog supper which usually don't come in until January," Gibson said. Proceeds from the hotdog supper have been as high as $6,500 in the past.
This year an online auction was added through WHAM, replacing the live auction, which had been a staple of Big Thursday. The online auction netted $8,347 with all proceeds directly to GCM.
"We are very pleased," Gibson said. "The Greer community once again showed up to support us and help us continue our mission to make sure nobody in the Greater Greer area goes hungry."
Held last Thursday, items sold included baked and edible goods made by church parishioners, a barbecue lunch, a hotdog supper by the Greer Lions Club, and items donated for sale from local businesses throughout the community.