Arvie uses music to soothe himself and heal. You may need to find a new hobby or job that brings you fulfillment and a sense of purpose.

Arvie Bennett Jr., experiences victory battling Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) every day, but with a cost," Bunny Bennett, his wife, said.

Bennett's mental illness has not stopped him from releasing three CDs, with his new album, “Goin’ Outlaw”, to be released in March 2016.
I cannot put into words the respect I have for my husband, this fighter. His “broken” brain may tell him he is a terrible person, but in reality he is the most compassionate, insightful, and selfless man I have ever known.
The disease will mockingly tell him that he will hurt everyone he loves, but in reality, Arvie is the gentlest, kindest person I have ever met. In our work as musicians and writers, Arvie has begun to share the stories behind his originals.
His fans are uplifted by him. They walk away refreshed, knowing what Arvie has overcome and feeling strengthened that they, too, can overcome their pain whether it comes from childhood abuse, physical illness, addictions, or just making poor choices in the past.
The Arvie Jr Band brings messages of hope into churches, bars, Celebrate Recovery, and also into prisons.
Even while his thoughts torture him, Arvie willingly places himself in awkward and acutely distressful relationships because it’s what is right and good. Arvie always chooses the path to help others.
He experiences victory every day, but at a cost. He experiences exhaustion and sometimes gets discouraged, but he keeps putting one step in front of the other and keeps on fighting. He hopes you will keep fighting, too.
Always in the spotlight as the lead singer of his band, Arvie gets on stage. He pours his heartache into his songs. The hearts of his fans are moved and they approach him, clamoring just to be near him.
Again, despite his painful thoughts, he opens up to them, and they leave with their spirits uplifted. I hope to convince Arvie to share with you more about the rigorous training he puts himself through and more about the weapons and skills he uses in this battle.
His mental illness has not stopped him from releasing three CDs, with his new album, “Goin’ Outlaw”, to be released in March 2016.
Arvie is also working on his book, “Lessons from a Barstool”, which helps churches understand why more people go to bars than churches and how to change that trend.
I, too, have joined Arvie in advocacy. I have written “Grow Like a Sunflower: Helping Children Understand Grief “ and will soon release “The Path I Choose” written for suicide prevention.
Here are the lyrics to Arvie’s song “Normal.” You can listen to some of his other originals on his website.
I wish I could be normal and just slow down my mind
It’s like the same old movie, I’ve seen a thousand times
I keep asking these questions like when did this begin
Why does it knock on my door just like an old, old friend
What is this inside of me … I can’t make it go away?
I know you’d look at me funny … if I told you what was on my mind
I know you’d probably walk away … and I’d be left behind
I know you think I’m crazy for opening myself this way
You’d probably close your heart to me cause you wouldn’t know what to say
People like to offer advice, I know that they mean well
But they can’t see what’s going on inside this living hell
They tell me to get over this, I simply need to believe
They tell me it’s the faith I lack to heal the inside of me
So I suffer in my silence … and I say that I’m all right
I don’t know what to say, I don’t know what to do
So just sit back and relax until this track is through
Through the haze of the pain I hope His word rings true
What’s normal for me might not be normal for you
So, should I just give up and let myself be consumed
Slip into my dark little world inside my premature tomb
Or Should I just accept who I am, that this is a part of me
Gain strength