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Decisions, decisions. Big Thursday has large inventory of homemade food, arts and crafts.
This year’s Big Thursday is Nov. 2 at Fairview Baptist Church, 1300 Locust Hill Road, Greer, from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Christmas crafts, baked goods, frozen casseroles as well as other Big Thursday favorites, such as the barbecue lunch, Greer Lions Club hot dog supper, and live auction are part of the day-long event.
“We are so happy that Skip Davenport and the team at D&D Motors are our presenting sponsor this year,” said Stephen Smith, GCM executive director. “They have always been a big part of Big Thursday’s barbecue lunch as a both a sponsor and through providing volunteers from their team to help out, which is why we are so excited that now they are on board with presenting the entire event.”
Big Thursday has generated needed revenue for GCM’s four programs for 38 years. The food pantry and clothing closet supply emergency food and clothing every four months to all those in need in the greater Greer area. The Meals on Wheels program feeds about 300 homebound people Monday through Friday and the Senior Dining program offers food, fellowship, and friendship to about 30 senior adults each weekday.
“Big Thursday is successful because the entire community comes together to help,” said Hannah Miller, GCM events coordinator.
Call for more information 864-877-1937.