Julie McCombs
The City Christmas Tree was lit Friday night.

Julie McCombs
Lindsey Lawter and her daughters watch Santa read a story at the City Park amphitheater.

Marshallows were roasted during the City Park activities.

Jim Fair
Santa pigs out on barbecue during the dinner with Santa at the Cannon Centre Friday.
The children of city employees enjoyed dinner with Santa at the Cannon Centre to free up tickets for the public during the three Saturday sessions with Breakfast with Santa.
The Riverside High School band provided Christmas music in the amphitheater to a packed crowd of parents and excited children. There were inflatables, face painting, arts and crafts, and roasting of marshmallows while waiting for Santa's arrival in the 1941 Greer fire truck that has been refurbished.
After Santa did his official lighting of the Christmas tree with Greer Mayor Rick Danner he was escorted to downtown Greer for one-on-one sessions with children while photos were snapped by professional photographers and parents.
Downtown Greer had a festive evening with luminaries along the sidewalks of Trade and Victorial Streets. The winds played havoc with the luminaries as several were blown out and bags were carried a short distance away.
Store windows were wrapped in brown paper with red bows and storefront windows were decorated for the holiday season.
And the ugly sweater contest at the Greer Trading Post lived up to its name.
About 400 children wiil have breakfast with Santa in three settings on Saturday morning at the Cannon Centre and the annual Christmas parade is Sunday, rain or shine, according to Caroline Robertson of Greer Relief.