
Greer State Bank introducing financial literacy education initiative to GHS

Published on Tuesday, September 10, 2013

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Greer State Bank introducing financial literacy education initiative to GHS
Greer State Bank is introducing a new initiative to bring financial literacy education to Greer High School students by providing them with access to the “EverFi – Financial Literacy” learning platform. 

The web-based program – Dollar$cholar – uses media technology – simulations, avatars, gaming and adaptive-pathing – to bring complex financial concepts to life for today’s digital generation.  Through this platform, students will become certified in hundreds of topics in personal finance, allowing them to become more informed, responsible citizens. 

 “Without question, our economy has presented plenty of challenges to us all which makes it even more important for our young people to learn the proper skills to effectively navigate an increasingly complex financial system,” said Judy Edwards in a statement. She is Vice President/Compliance Officer for Greer State Bank.  “The Dollar$cholar program offers students an innovative educational experience that uses the tools students love – digital learning and gaming – to teach key elements of personal finance.” 

The 10-unit course offers approximately six hours of programming aimed at teaching, assessing and certifying students in a variety of relevant financial topics.  These include credit scores, insurance, credit cards, student loans, mortgages, taxes, stocks, savings, 401(k)’s, and other critical concepts that map to national financial literacy standards. There is no cost to Greer High School.

The platform uniquely tracks the progress and score of every student and provides students who successfully complete the course with Certification in Financial Literacy, a valuable mark of distinction on college applications and resumes. 

“Greer State Bank is critical to the success of our mission to ensure that these cutting-edge tools reach all communities,” said EverFi CEO Tom Davidson. 

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Greer State Bank


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