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A little bit of branding is always creating.

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A feather in his cap probably earned double candy from some merchants.

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Colt and Lindsay Davis, of the White House Salon, will have a little pumpkin to dress up this year.
Children of all ages will likely be applauding GSA’s wisdom in moving Halloween in Greer Station to Thursday, 5-7 p.m., when warmer temperatures (70s) are forecast under partly sunny skies.
That creates a double dose of a good time in Greer on Thursday with the final Farmers Market of the season scheduled 4-7 p.m. at the corner of Poinsett Street and Main Street.
Several vendors at the Farmer’s Market will be offering a buy one, get half-price off from a local vendor. Face and pumpkin painting will be also be available.
Rain (90 percent chance) and cold temperatures (low 50s) forecast for Tuesday postponed the annual Halloween in Greer Station two days.
Merchants in downtown Greer traditionally hand out scores of pounds of candy to children. The same merchants have learned through the years to increase their storage for the annual event.
Trick or treating begins at 5 p.m., Dance Visions of Greer performs at 5:30 p.m., but the “Muppets Most Wanted” movie will not be shown.