Hollywild Animal Park Photo
The biggest (heaviest) animal at Hollywild Animal Park is this white rhinoceros. Don't even think about outrunning a rhino – they are faster than humans.
Every Friday and Saturday in March is a “Sneak Preview” with discounted admission rates (adults $10, senior citizens, children (2-14) and handicapped individuals $8.
Heather Clemente will feature special presentations with her wolves “Koda” and “Manai (11 a.m.) Stuart Jones “The Serpent’s Advocate” (1 p.m.) will introduce visitors to several kinds of snakes and allow the brave to hold them. He will also explain the value of snakes within the ecosystem and give tips for identifying venomous snakes and nonpoisonous snakes in the wild.
Joey Poole will lead guided tours for an additional $1.
Mercedes Curry from PAWS, Inc. will bring rescued animals and lead Creature Feature shows throughout the day, giving visitors a chance to learn how to properly interact with animals found in the wild.
Note: Many in the world celebrate Earth Day on Monday, April 22, but others choose to celebrate International Earth day on the day of the vernal equinox, which is the date used in a proclamation by the United Nations in 1970. It happens this year at 7:02 a.m. EDT on Tuesday, March 20.