Carter and his little brother, Charlie (1), at their annual visit with Santa. Carter loved him and Charlie wasn’t so sure.

Carter and his Great Grandma Riddle at our annual Christmas Day dinner. He cherishes the time he has to spend with her and my Grandfather.

Carter with Charlie, Daddy (Chad Staggs), and Mommy (April Staggs).

Scott Stevens
Carter spends some quality time with Santa Claus at the Greer Christmas Parade held earlier this month.
During the children’s Christmas program at our church, the pastor talked about the candy cane and asked, “Does anyone know the meaning of the candy cane?” Carter answered, “YES!” He proceeded to tell our Pastor in detail the reason for its shape and colors. My husband and I were so proud to know that not only did he understand the true meaning of Christmas, but could share this message with others!
Another great memory was Christmas morning when he and his little brother, Charlie, woke to find presents from Santa. Carter was more excited about showing Charlie everything than he was about his own presents. Precious memories we will cherish forever!
April Staggs
Joys of Christmas, representing 12 Days of Christmas
Introduction: Infant: Tanner Stevens
Day 1: Ruby Brown, as 1-year-old
Day 2: Mason Lathrop, as 2-year-old
Day 3: Anna Dumas, as 3-year old
Day 4: Brayden Michael Winslow as 4-year-old
Day 5: Carter Staggs as 5-year-old
Day 6: Coming Friday, Dec. 19