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Tony Kouskolekas, president of Pelham Medical Center, is the chairman of the executive board for the Greater Greer Chamber of Commerce.
Tony Kouskolekas, president of Pelham Medical Center will serve as chairman of the board. Rosylin Weston, GSP International Airport, is chair-elect and Mark King, of Mark King Consulting is immediate past chairman.
Strategies the board has targeted this year are business/community development, community events, membership engagement, leadership development and legislative affairs.
Each division has outlined key components including, a new bi-monthly training and seminar series, increasing membership engagement, enhancing visitor center-type activities to be an information destination for visitors, current and future residents on all things Greer, and promoting the community to a broad reach of potential visitors
The 2016 GPS was approved by the Executive Board of the Chamber at the January board meeting.
Members of the executive board are:
• Chairman, Tony Kouskolekas, Pelham Medical Center
• Chair-Elect, Rosylin Weston, GSP International Airport
• Immediate Past Chairman, Mark King, King Consulting
Vice Chairs
• Finance, Jack Lucas, GrandSouth Bank
• Legislative Affairs, Donna Smith, Berkshire Hathaway C. Dan Joyner Realtors
• Business Development, Wayne Bobo, Century 3
• Community Events, Rudy Painter, Countybanc Insurance, Inc.
• Membership Excellence, Mikelle Porter, Greenville Technical College
• Leadership, Melanie Bargar, Clemson Youth Learning Institute
• General Counsel, Brian Martin, Attorney at Law
• Partnership for Tomorrow Board, Larry Wilson
• Chris Crist, Owens Insurance
• Brent Garrett, Citizens Building & Loan
• April Staggs, Greer State Bank
• John Mansure, Greer Memorial Hospital