The route for the standard and sprint duathlon scheduled on Veterans Day, Nov. 11.

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The beauty of Lake Robinson will be he setting for the duathlon.
• Standard duathlon includes a 10k run, 40k bike and 5k run.
• Sprint duathlon features 5k run, 20k bike and a 2.5k run.
Participants can sign up at Setup Events’ website www.setupevents.com.
Special recognition for military and servicemen and women is scheduled.
The race is a precursor to the National Duathlon Championships coming to Greenville in 2018 and 2019.
“This is something we have been planning for quite some time. It’s great to see something that showcases Lake Robinson as a recreational, environmental and economic engine come to fruition,” said Tom Faulkner, President of the Friends of Lake Robinson.
“Greer CPW is proud to partner with Friends of Lake Robinson and share the beautiful scenery with all of Greenville County. We hope this will be an event that promotes being active, exploring the outdoors and perhaps become an annual event,” said Perry J. Williams, CPW Chairman.
The Day of Celebration for Lake Robinson is scheduled Sunday, Oct. 8.