North Greenville University Photo
North Greenville University's orchestra presents a free concert on Tuesday, Oct. 28 at 7 p.m.
The orchestra will perform works from revolutionary Italy, WWI England, and works representative of WWII Poland and the Czech Republic, and WWII Soviet Union.
Throughout the evening concert the selected works’ associations will be described and NGU ROTC cadets will present short biographies and citations of Congressional Medal of Honor recipients from World Wars I and II, Korea, Vietnam, the War in Iraq, and Afghanistan. The cadets will tell of men who gave of themselves in order to defend our nation, the sacrifice of men who dared to die.
The orchestra and the NGU Singers will conclude the concert.
On the program:
• Verdi's Overture to Nabucco
• Farrar's Heroic Elegy
• Williams’ Three Pieces from Schindler’s List with Dr. Leslie Warlick, solo violin,
• Ippolitov-Ivanov's Caucasian Sketches
• Anderson/Habegger/Forrest's His Robes for Mine