
Peaceful vigil held in Trayvon Martin's memory

Published on Monday, April 2, 2012

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Tena Irby holds a sign in memory of Trayvon Martin during a vigil tonight at Greer City Park's amphitheater. Next to Irby is Mekayla Watson, her great niece,  About 150 attended the peaceful event that feautured community ministers offering prayers.

Tena Irby holds a sign in memory of Trayvon Martin during a vigil tonight at Greer City Park's amphitheater. Next to Irby is Mekayla Watson, her great niece,  About 150 attended the peaceful event that feautured community ministers offering prayers.

A vigil was held at Greer City Park tonight in memory of Trayvon Martin, a youth killed Feb. 26 in Sanford, Fla. Martin was shot and killed by neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman.

Zimmerman ignored a 911 dispatcher's suggestion to stay in his car in order to chase down what he had called a suspicious black male. The case has sparked a national debate about racial profiling, allegations of police injustice, and self-defense gun laws.

About 150 people were at the park’s amphitheater to hear ministers Getties Jackson, Sr., Steve Watson and Keith Kelly that also featured song and poetry.

There were only a smattering of hoodies and signs, requested by the event organizers, visible at the peaceful event.

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