Prisma Health
Early preparation can help blunt the shift’s ill effects, said Dr. Antoinette Williams Rutherford, a sleep medicine physician at Prisma Health in Columbia.
On March 13, time will "spring forward," meaning clocks will move ahead one hour, with 60 minutes of sleep being lost between that Saturday and Sunday.
But the shift disrupts the body’s natural internal rhythm, with the resulting sleepiness and grogginess causing everything from minor irritability to increased risk of motor vehicle accidents, cardiovascular events and mood disturbances, according to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM).
AASM said daylight saving time has also been linked to increased risk of stroke and hospital admissions as well as increased production of inflammatory markers, one of the body’s responses to stress. Studies show that traffic fatalities have increased as much as six percent in the first few days following the change, said the AASM, which in 2020 recommended eliminating daylight saving time.
But early preparation can help blunt the shift’s ill effects, said Dr. Antoinette Williams Rutherford, a sleep medicine physician at Prisma Health in Columbia.
"Sleep deprivation can be more serious than just needing a second cup of coffee," said Rutherford."You’re going to lose an hour of sleep, and you’re going to be getting up an hour earlier as far as your body’s internal clock is concerned. But taking some easy steps ahead of time can help you better manage the change.”
Here are some tips to help you improve sleep and create healthy sleep habits leading up to March 13.
1. Establish healthy sleep prior to the date of the change. Make small adjustments in your bedtime for several days beforehand to minimize the impact of the switch. Go to sleep 15 minutes early for a couple of days, then 30 minutes early for a couple of days. The AASM advises that adults obtain at least seven hours of sleep per night before and after daylight saving time changes.
2. Get some vitamin D.Your internal clock is set by light and dark patterns, not by what it reads on your watch. With remote work it can be difficult to get outside the house during the daylight hours. Try to work from an area in your house that receives natural sunlight. You could also try to go outside during your lunch or any breaks.
3. Avoid naps. Daytime naps, even if you are feeling sluggish, can make it harder for you to fall asleep at night.
4. Limit your screen time before bed. Working on your computer, watching your TV and scrolling through your phone stimulates your brain, making it harder for you to fall asleep. Try turning off the electronics 30 minutes before bed. Instead of scrolling on your phone or watching TV, transition your brain to a calm relaxed mindset by reading or listening to music.
5. Get active. Regular exercise improves your overall sleep quality. If possible, complete your workout at least two hours before your bedtime to allow your body to fully decompress.
6. Separate your sleeping space and your working space. Having different areas where you work in one and relax in the other helps you to associate one space with an action. Try to avoid working from your bed and make your bed a place where you can relax and sleep.
7. Maintain your sleep schedule. Working remotely changed many people’s sleep schedules because they no longer had to dedicate time in the mornings to getting ready and commuting to work. It is important to establish a time that you will wake up at every morning – even if you can snooze until the last minute. Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day will not only help you better adjust to time change but will also improve your overall sleep quality.
“Good sleep is vital to leading a healthy life, and the time change can be tough for both children and adults,” said Rutherford. “Risks of the time change increase if you are already sleep deprived or not getting quality rest at night, so creating a healthy routine prior to the change is very beneficial.”