Lauren Cabiniss, 2012 Miss Greater Greer, poses for her formal Miss South Carolina photography portfolio.
Lauren Cabaniss and all Miss South Carolina contestants will wear swimsuits from Tara Grinna Swimwear, a manufacturer in Conway. It is the first time the pageant has partnered with a South Carolina manufacturer as official supplier of swimsuits.
Photographer Jonathan Carter made the official Miss Greater Greer crown shots that will be featured at the Miss South Carolina pageant.
2012 Miss Greater Greer Teen Sydney Sill pretty well sums up the traveling, shopping for contest gowns and having hair and makeup done before happily posing for her official Miss South Carolina photo portfolio.
It was time to pick the perfect wardrobe for the Miss South Carolina pageant in July and Foxy Lady was the place to look.
Both Lauren and Sydney had purchased gowns from Foxy Lady last year and felt they would be able to find that right gown there again this year.
Not only were they gown shopping but they were also there to have their official Miss Greater Greer crown shots made by renown photographer, Jonathan Carter.
Both girls selected 6 outfits to be photographed in while Jonathan's wife, Heather, did Lauren and Sydney's makeup and hair so that it best complemented each outfit.
After 6 hours of photography and trying on dresses, each girl walked away with what they hope will be the winning dress that sends them to the top and helps them capture their respective crowns.