YJSN website
The YJSN consists of, left to right, David Holtzclaw, Van Brannon, Robbie Gravley, Steven "Worm" Gay, Red Watson, and Justin Miller

YJSN Website
Robbie Gravley, Van Brannon, and Chad Lister announcing their first game against the Byrnes high Rebels.

YJSN Website
What you would see if the YJSN team was on TV.
Robbie Gravley, Chad Lister, and Van Brannon, in 1990, went live on the radio and a new tradition in Greer was born. They have added more local talent along the way picking up Steven "Worm" Gay, Bryan "Red" Watson, and David Holtzclaw but continued with the traditional play-by-play calls, coaches and players interviews and halftime reports.
Justin Miller has also joined the team. He brings social media into the mix.
The crew is broadcasting Greer football live each Friday night on WPJM AM 800.
The Yellow Jacket Sports Network
• Robbie Gravley, "Voice of the Jackets", play-by-play, analyst/website host
• Van Brannon, color analyst/video coordinator
• Steven "Worm" Gay, sideline reporter
• Bryan "Red" Watson, statisician
• David Holtzclaw, broadcast producer/ engineer/ website host
• Justin Miller, social media/ community relations