Sara Ashleigh Ponder, Brittany Doss and Madison Bates won preliminaries Friday night in the Miss Greer High School pageant.
Ponder, performing a dance, won talent and Doss and Bates tied in the evening gown competition.
Logan Phillips, a sophomore from Blacksburg, was selected Miss Spartanburg Methodist College in a pageant at SMC last weekend. Phillips will represent SMC in the Miss South Carolina pageant in Columbia in July.
Phillips is the daughter of Randy and Julie Phillips and a graduate of Blacksburg High School.
Stefanie Egan, from Greer, is among six contestants competing in the annual Miss SMC (Spartanburg Methodist College) Pageant Saturday at 6 p.m. in the Gibbs Auditorium on campus.
Contestants will compete in preliminary interview, lifestyle and fitness, talent, evening wear, and on-stage interview. The winner will compete in the Miss South Carolina pageant in July.
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