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Joe Fowler caught the big fish in a past Family Fest fishing tournament. The Greater Greer Chamber of Commerce is dropping the tournament as part of its Family Fest activities.
The Bass Fishing Tournament, promoted by the Greater Greer Chamber of Commerce, as part of its spring Family Fest, has been dropped.
The tournament, fished on Lake Robinson, has routinely preceded the festival with the winners presented at the opening ceremonies.
Prize money, with $1,000 to the winning team, had been increased but entries have dipped in the past few years.
“While the Greer Family Fest bass fishing tournament has been a great addition to pre-festival activities for the last 20 years, the festival in agreement with the tournament's sponsor, Greer CPW, has decided to no longer host the event in conjunction with the festival,” said Mark Owens, President/CEO of the Greer Chamber of Commerce, in a statement to GreerToday.com.
The tournament originated in 1996 with Chuck Barnes and Eddie Burch as co-directors. The Chamber of Commerce took over the tournament under its Spring Fest banner and has been organized by Larry Beheler.
Greer CPW General Manager Jeff Tuttle has expressed an interest in making the fishing tournament as part of the Friends of Lake Robinson weekend as a way of promoting the utility’s pristine lake.
“I can see a Friday dinner, Saturday fishing tournament and Sunday celebration,” Tuttle said. However, Tuttle said any plans are still in the discussion stage.
“The tournament may be moved to a later date that will better highlight Lake Robinson as well as CPW's efforts to provide beautiful lakes in Greer,” said Owens. “We appreciate all the great volunteers and sponsors of previous fishing tournaments that made the event so successful for so long. We look forward to a successful 32nd Annual Pelham Medical Center Greer Family Fest this May.”
Tom Faulkner, president of Friends of Lake Robinson, said this year’s date, Sept. 25, only includes the annual Sunday celebration. Faulkner said Sept. 24 remains open.