Julie McCombs
The Marshall Tucker Band entertained the Family Fest crowd in a 90-minute set.
Julie McCombs
Guitarists entertained with original MTB hits.
Jim Fair
The biggest crowd ever to attend a Family Fest event filled City Park and swelled past Poinsett and Cannon streets at the park's entrance.
Julie McCombs
Spartanburg County Sheriff Chuck Wright, center, jams with the band.
The Marshall Tucker Band entertained a record crowd at the 30th Annual Pelham Medical Center Greer Family Fest Saturday night.
The unofficial attendance was between 16,000-19,000 people. Last year's Freedom Blast at City Park drew between 12,000 - 15,000. Since the concerts are free there are no tickets to get a clear-cut count. However, some food vendors reported record sales on Saturday night and ran out of some inventory.
The Spartanburg-based band played a 90-minute set that featured some of its oldies and current CD releases.
Doug Gray, an original MTB member, is celebrating his 43rd year with the band, he told the crowd. The MTB band has also been selected to play in the CMA Awards pre-awards ceremony in Nashville in June.