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Crowds at Tunes in the Park are typically standing room only and offer plenty of space to enjoy dancing in the moonlight.
The seven-weeks Tunes in the Park and 10th Annual Greer Idol schedules are set.
Tunes in the Park, held at city park’s amphitheater, begins Fridays on June 10 and ends July 22. Greer Idol will also its competition that evening. The entertainment is 7-10 p.m.
The band for City of Greer Freedom Blast on Saturday, June 25 will be announced later.
Auditions for Greer Idol are May 4-5 at Family Fest. Greer Idol Teen will not be held this season.
The schedule:
June 10, Rock and Roll Reunion
June 17, Flashbacks
June 25, City of Greer Freedom Blast, TBA
July 1, Carolina Coast Band
July 8, Shag Doctorz
July 15, Jim Quick and Coastline
July 22, Encore
• The schedule is also posted on the calendar page with links to bands.